Thursday, January 22, 2009

This is the way....Nov 2008

This is the way we go down the slide all by ourselves........
first we hold on... then Moomy gives us a little push and...
whee! That was fun! Let's do it again!
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Our day at the beach Oct 2008

Sos ometimes when Anna was at school, Caiden and I would hang out with Lee and Connor. This day we went to Cabrillo Beach and had a blast. Caiden was excited to actually wander on the sand without me holding him (and I was happy not to have to hold him all the time).
Yes I know its rare for me to be in a picture, but Lee caught me fair and Don't expect too many of me to show up if I can avoid it!
mm what can we find in the sand....
This was Connor and Caiden walking along. Despite the three year difference they liked playing with each other.
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